ダンス花2024 U25 U35公演での監修者からの評価

ダンス花2025 出演者発表

若手ダンサー支援プロジェクト「ダンス花」2025 出演者発表致します!


U25 シアター21フェスから


『Three Beings』
振付・出演 : 田代さつき・野沢心南


振付・出演 : 八坂釆音

U35 シアター21フェスから


振付・出演 : 井上渚・鴨頭菜子


振付・出演 : 平田鱈


『Somebody Anybody I』
振付・出演 : 堀川千夏・大森弥子














一般社団法人セッションハウス企画室 代表 伊藤孝、スタッフ一同





U25, #4, Three Beings
Choreography and Performance: Satsuki Tashiro & Kokona Nozawa
The familiar tune of “Happy Birthday” structures this duet about the relationship between collaboration and competition, and provides an element of irony. We first hear an innocent version of this song in the form of the tinkling of a music box. Next, a voiceover tells us that this dance is about “three people who believed they were the best…and loved to compete.” The dance examines their rivalry (but who is the third person?) and ends with an ambiguous message about winning.
While the dancers are clad in a monochromatic black vest and trousers, there is more variation in their movements, which range from sharp to fluid, separate to mirroring, interspersed with jumping, sliding, and running. In order to tell this story, there are also variations in the tone, lighting, and atmosphere of the dance. The tone shifts from serious to playful and back again; the lighting shifts a number of times; and changes in atmosphere are often signalled by the music.
In this dance, the dancers express the necessity of regimented practice (as the plodding piano in the background reminds us) in order to succeed, as well as the joy of collaboration expressed through their synchronized and fluid movements. Confrontation and competitition is at the heart of the dance and is signalled by the ominous (and no longer innocent) rendition of Marilyn Monroe singing “Happy Birthday”, as well as the surprising pop of a birthday streamer. At the end, it initally appears that one of the dancers got rid of her competition ? but did she? This piece takes us on a creative and thought-provoing exploration about the ambiguous and complex relationship between collaboration and competition. There seems to be no clear “winner” in the end.



Three Beings
次に、ナレーションで、このダンスは「自分たちが一番だと信じ、競争するのが大好きな3人」についてのものだと伝えられます。ダンスは彼らのライバル関係(しかし、3人目は誰?)を考察し、勝利についての曖昧なメッセージで終わります。 ダンサーは単色の黒いベストとズボンを身にまとっていますが、動きにはよりバリエーションがあり、鋭いものから滑らか、分離したものから鏡映しのものまで、ジャンプ、スライド、ランニングが散りばめられています。





U25, #6, Kotone Yasaka
Choreography and performance by Kotone Yasaka
This charming and magical solo piece references the filmmaker Miyazaki’s “Kiki’s Delivery Service”. Yasaka’s costume gives a nod to Kiki as she wears a black hat, and black top (and flowing skirt). Curiously, there are no props in this dance; one might expect a broom somewhere, but the minimalist approach works; Yasaka’s fluid dance movements and facial expressions are more than sufficient to convey the enchanting nature of her journey.
The dance starts with a voice asking Yasaka how she is. We move from semi-dark to light as we watch her find her way and move from charm to elegance and finally to love, the three stages of the Mari flower. An upbeat Japanese pop song provides a jubilant context to witness a smiling Yasaka in the third part of her story. With this dance, Yanaka expresses how to embrace life with youthful energy and to dance as joyously as we might imagine Kiki flying in the sky.


「まり花」 八坂采音


U35 #4 “Paradise Zone”
Choreography and Performance: Nagisa Inoue and Nako Kamogashira
This duet opens in darkness as we hear a plane. A suitcase placed in the center contains a dancer curled up inside with one of her arms extended. As she makes her way out of the suitcase, her partner crisscrosses the stage proclaiming a series of words that start with the same letter. The dancer who had been inside the suitcase places a gun (don’t worry, it’s a water gun!) to her head, speaks to us, and to her partner. They eventually collapse together -- there are now two water guns -- and rise to the evocative sounds of the iconic Beatles song “All you Need is Love” played in its entirety. This is the most powerful section of the dance as the mood shifts from disjointedness and dislocation to connection and hope. Similarly, their dance movements are now fluid and synchronized. Could this be the “Paradise Zone”? Yet the dance ends on an ambiguous note “to be continued”; the wordplay continues, and the dancers now hold a huge machine water gun, with a foot on the suitcase.
How are these disparate elements -- random wordplay, a suitcase, and water guns -- connected? As we hear the whirring sounds of machines, one wonders if a theme of this duet may be the absurdity and nihilism of the modern world ? a world in which we can get anything, though maybe “All you need is love”. However, the dance seems to question if even this is enough. Instead, the ending suggests that the struggle continues ? as the wordplay continues and a larger water gun emerges ? and perhaps one can only hope for a brief respite in paradise.




同様に、彼女たちのダンスの動きは流動的で同期しています。これは「パラダイスゾーン」なのでしょうか? しかし、ダンスは「続く」という曖昧な音で終わります。言葉遊びは続き、ダンサーはスーツケースに足を乗せた巨大な水鉄砲を手にします。
これらのまったく異なる要素 (ランダムな言葉遊び、スーツケース、水鉄砲) はどのように結びついているのでしょうか? 機械のブーンという音が聞こえると、このデュエットのテーマは現代世界の不条理と虚無主義なのではないか、つまり「必要なのは愛だけ」かもしれないが、何でも手に入る世界なのではないか、と疑問に思うでしょう。しかし、ダンスはこれだけでも十分かどうかを問うているようです。代わりに言葉遊びが続き、より大きな水鉄砲が現れるにつれて、エンディングは闘争が続くことを示唆し、楽園でのつかの間の休息を願うことしかできないのかもしれません。



U35 #6 Hanashi
Choreography and Performance: Tara Hirata
This haunting and powerful solo dance is set to the hypnotic sounds of Kevin
Morby’s “Harlem River”. There are no props, underscoring the dancer’s isolation,
vulnerability, and alienation.
Crouching on the ground, the dancer slowly awakens and stretches out to the world
moving from the side to center stage, as the music accompanies her. Her loose
shirt and trousers are neutral and non-descript. Softer, tentative movements lead to
sharper motions as she seems to come into her own in a brighter space and with the
music now barely audible. She is center stage now, not the music. But as she
crashes, the music becomes louder and overpowers her as well, and she struggles
and shakes. She yells out that she cannot hear and moves in agitation. In contrast to
the opening, as she opens herself and her chest to the world, she collapses into
sleep or death ? the cycle is complete. The music perfectly evokes and
complements the dark and despairing journey depicted in this dance.





U35. #7. Somebody Anybody I
Choreography and Performance: Chinatsu Horikawa and Yako Omori
The dance starts in silence as one dancer (clad in black) places 5 or 6 black shoes
around her partner, who is in the center, wearing a loose white smock. As she
offers a shoe as though it were a sacred object to her partner, the music begins, and
we know a key relationship is established between the most mundane of
everyday objects -- the shoe -- and one of the most sublime pieces of music, the
Adagio of Mendelson’s Violin Concerto in E Minor. The interplay between the
sublime and the mundane is at the heart of this piece.
This justaposition is expressed not only through the music, but also through the dancers’ delicate and balletic movements. The dancers are contained within a circle strewn with shoes. In the second part, as the adagio moves into a major key, one dancer wears a pair; the other doesn’t. But the end comes full circle when the other dancer is finally offered a chance to wear a coveted shoe.
This dance, an enchanting and mesmerizing ode to the shoe, challenges our preconceptions as to what is beautiful and lofty. Here we experience the most grounding and grounded object become the subject of reverence and transcendence.



「 Somebody Anybody I」
ダンスは沈黙の中で始まり、一人のダンサー (黒の服を着ている) が、中央でゆったりとした白いスモックを着ているパートナーの周りに 5 足か 6 足の黒い靴を置きます。彼女が靴を神聖な物であるかのようにパートナーに差し出すと音楽が始まり、最も日常的な物である靴、最も崇高な音楽作品の 1 つであるメンデルスゾーンのヴァイオリン協奏曲ホ短調のアダージョとの間に重要な関係が確立されていることがわかります。崇高と日常の相互作用がこの作品の核心です。この正しい位置関係は、音楽だけでなく、ダンサーの繊細でバレエのような動きによっても表現されます。ダンサーは、靴が散らばった円の中に閉じ込められています。
第 2 部では、アダージョが長調に移行すると、1 人のダンサーが靴を履き、もう 1 人は履きません。しかし、もう 1 人のダンサーがついに切望された靴を履く機会を与えられると、最後は円環が完成します。このダンスは、靴への魅惑的な頌歌(英雄の功績などをほめたたえる歌)であり、美しく崇高なものに関する私たちの先入観に挑戦します。ここで私たちは、最も根拠のある対象が尊敬と超越の対象になることを経験します。



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